miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011


Have you ever heard of Gorillaz?
It's an alternative rock virtual band created in 1998. It has four members and they are 2-D, Murdoc, Noodle and Russel. You can see them in publicity, videos, disk covers and even in the concerts where you can see them as holograms playing the music, because the people behind them is not the band, the band is them, the drawings, the cartoons.

I will write a little resume about their personalitites.
Murdoc is a sadistic, he loves to hurt 2-D and make people suffer, he actually had a terrible childhood, that's why he is such a bad person.
2-D is pretty inocent, he won't hurt anyone, however he's usually the victim of Murdoc's evil ideas. He's blind, and that's because of Murdoc.
Noodle is a little girl, well she used to be little when she joined the band, now she's 21 and is the brain of the band, Demon Days was one of their greatest albums and it was written by her. By the way, she loves 2-D and Murdoc is jealous about this.
Russel is a great guy, he loves peace and stuff, his best friend is Noodle and they have a great relationship, the strongest in the band, and he's the one who stays calm when something bad happens.

Alright, that's it for now, hope you liked it, it's not much about Gorillaz, actually it's pretty basic information, so if you want to know more about them you should look for the information on the internet, maybe their website:

It'd be a good idea to check it out, the website has some gifts for members (wallpapers and stuff) because of the holidays and there is a very interesting game, well no texactly a game... The thing is... Check it out! You won't complain about it.
Ok thanks for reading, hope you like my blog.

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