jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011


Haven't written for a while... What can I say? I've been kind of busy.
Everything's been quite weird lately, but not awkward, actually it feels good... Everything seems to be working just fine, and I would say it's been even better than I could've ever wanted, and that makes me happy, really happy.
Happiness, a feeling missing from many people's life today, so much that they can't be themselves, they hide behind a mask or something that would cover their identity and makes the others feel good while their asses are in so much pain... Maybe sadness, or even worse, it could be sorrow... People is unable to enjoy life because there's so much stuff, things you might want, people you'd like to meet, wishes, achievements...
I won't go deeper in the topic, I just wanted to think a little bit and at the same time share what's in my mind. This entry is not a big deal, I just wanted to let go what I have inside and I just did.
Hope you have a nice day and, of course, a good life (Just because I was talking about this).

Don't let anyone get in your way of getting what you want, because there's always a way!

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